Export enterprises Noted: Saudi’s new added lighting products’ energy certification
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- Issue Time
- May 18,2016
It is reported that the range of productsincludes: in ordinary household use or similar use, directional andnon-directional bulbs

Recently, the Saudi Ministry of Commerceand Industry announced, lighting products including in the standard SASO2870:2015 must meet the SASO EER energy certification requirements, or the goodswill be not allowed to be imported and sold in Saudi Arabia.
It is reported that the range of productsincludes: in ordinary household use or similar use, directional andnon-directional bulbs, including AC or DC power supply of ordinary incandescentbulbs, self-ballasted fluorescent lamps (CFLs), self-ballasted LED bulb andhalogen bulbs, etc., but not including lighting, lighting controllers, as wellas non-ordinary lighting bulbs (such as signal lamps, infrared heating lamps, lampsused in other household appliances, as well as other special-purpose lamp forprofessional use).
The standard clearly states that theproduct specification and warnings must be in English and Arabic versions;special purpose bulbs must specify the intended use of the product on thepackaging and other available information, and the product does not apply tocommon household lighting; for ordinary household light bulb or similarpurposes, the standard mainly access the light bulb energy efficiency ratings:mainly divided into A, B, C, D, E, F and G levels. Performance requirements forlight bulbs include bulb life, lumen maintenance, switching cycle, start-uptime, CRI and power factor and so on. The following information must bedisplayed on the lamp: trademark, input voltage, rated power, the country oforigin. The above information must be clearly marked in English or Arabic onthe label, packaging, brochures and Web sites. Lamp containing hazardoussubstances assessment requirements: Contains lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), 6hexavalent chromium (Cr6 +), polybrominated biphenyls (PBB), polybrominateddiphenyl ethers (PBDE) and mercury and other substances. Light bulb energyefficiency labeling requirements: The label must be on the packaging, on the clearlyvisible position to the consumer.
It is understood that the new Saudi energycertification of imported lighting products will have greater impacton Ningbo Export lighting companies, mainly reflects in market development blocked,product testing frequency increasing, rising costs of customs clearance. NingboCIQ reminded the relevant export enterprises should promptly study the contentsof this new energy certification through the embassy in Saudi Arabia, the SaudiChamber of Commerce in China, importers and other sources, meanwhile concern aboutthe government website information, query the export products HS code, confirmwhether the product is within the new regulatory requirements scope. Whilecarefully studying the regulations, these involved enterprises should understandthe relevant export procedures and requirements, and timely concern the AQSIQrelevant information and strengthen ties with the Saudi customer communication,understand the involved product registration process, information requirementsand processing time to complete registration as soon as possible, prevent cargostranded losses.